Emma Miszalski - Black Cockatoo Fly


Large art card, 114 x 162mm (blank inside). Sustainably printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper using the most eco friendly printing processes available.  Supplied plastic free in 100% compostable packaging.

The Artist -

Emma Miszalski is the creative force behind Pip and Pod Designs. She is an artist, graphic designer and editor based in the Blue Mountains, NSW. A lover of books and birds, her passion for the natural world is reflected in her diverse and whimsical designs. 

About -

With their distinctive yellow cheeks and panelled tail feathers, the Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus funereus is one of the largest Australian parrots.

Their mournful cries can be heard as they fly above forest canopies in search of their favoured seeds of hakea, banksia and casuarina.

This black beauty has just enjoyed a meal from the coastal banksia, Banksia integrifolia, one of the most widely distributed species along the east coast of Australia, with habitats ranging from coastal dunes to mountain ridges.



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